Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order by President
Andrew Sharp at 6:33 pm.
Old Business:
Treasurer report presented by Amanda McKey. Report date April 10th
through May 13th. Beginning balance was $3,757.75, ending balance
was $2,870.34. Complete report posted.
Remember to sign up with Kroger and Publix to support Pennington
Pizza Hut Spirit Night fundraiser is today (5/14)
Skate Night fundraiser on 4/10 raised $406!
Staff Appreciation Week was a success!
$1569 donated in food & vouchers
New Business:
Field Day moved to Monday 5/20 due to expected rain.
Final Spirit Night: Hattie Jane’s ice cream on 5/23 from 2-8pm
Awards and Picnics on 5/15
Sensory Board Workshop on 5/18 from 11-2
Not enough members present for quorum to vote on board for next
year, so email will be sent out regarding this.
Note: Members were emailed instructions on 5/16/24 about nominations and voting.
Discussed ways to engage families more
Teacher Report: Delivered by Ms. Hardin, “Horray for Books” week
went great! Staff want to thank everyone for a great Staff Appreciation
Week. If you are volunteering for field day, see Ms. Hardin when you
arrive to find your spot.