$hop to $upport

How to enroll your accounts to donate to the Pennington PTO

Enroll in these programs at no extra cost to you! We appreciate your effort in joining your accounts, as these programs can make a significant impact. In the previous school year (2022-2023), we managed to earn $2,200. Help us surpass this number by enrolling today and watch our collective efforts grow!

Spread the word to your loved ones and encourage them to support your student's school by sharing this page! Kroger & Publix programs are accessible in the areas where they operate.


Kroger Community Rewards

You enroll on the website or the Kroger App.
  • If you do not have a Kroger digital account established, visit this page and follow the directions.
  • If you already have an account click this link and sign in. It will navigate you to "My Account" and "Community Rewards"
  • Enter "Pennington Elementary PTO" in the search box
  • Select "Pennington Elementary PTO" from the list and click on “Save”.
  • The community rewards section of your account will now say enrolled and Pennington Elementary PTO.

The Pennington Elementary PTO will earn every time you use your Shopper Card or phone number at checkout. When enrolled you will see "Kroger is donating to Pennington Elementary School PTO" at the bottom of your receipts. 

pennington pto kroger card
publix screen shot

Publix Partners

  • If you do not have a Club Publix account, visit this page and follow the directions.
  • If you already have an account click this link and sign in. It will navigate your to "Account" then "Settings"
  • Scroll to "Publix Partners" at the very bottom. Click "Choose Publix Partners."
  • Search for "Pennington Elementary PTO" click "Choose school" and click "Done".

    For the Pennington PTO to earn you must enter your phone number at checkout or pay with the Publix app.

    Publix Partners is offered in Publix's Atlanta and Charlotte divisions (including Tennessee, North Carolina, and northern portions of Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina).

Copy and paste this message into an email, text, facebook message, however you talk with friends and family, let them know they can help our school! 

Subject: Enroll your Kroger & Publix accounts to help our school

Help my student's school earn a donation at no cost to you when you shop at Kroger or Publix!
Visit this webpage for easy step by step video instructions.
Once enrolled enter your phone number at checkout and help Pennington with each purchase! The Pennington Elementary PTO earned $2,350 last year through these easy programs!

Thank you for helping our school,


Having trouble setting up any of these programs? We're here to help.

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We appreciate you taking the time to enroll in these no-cost programs. Be sure to share this page with friends & family!